No Ordinary Saturday

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Dear …
When we got up today we soon discovered that this was no ordinary Saturday. Dad took us for a run down the river much earlier than normal and when we got back Mum was still there, she hadn’t gone to work and a big pile of bags were packed.
Mum started to put them in Dad’s van and when she put our bed in as well, Twig nearly burst my eardrum with her screeching!
Needless to say we jumped in the van after it and set off on our way. After what seemed like forever we got out to stretch our legs and I thought, “Lovely I recognise this area it’s the Cotswolds”, which is Mum’s favourite place.
So we got out and stretched our legs in Bibury.
We found somewhere to eat and Mum and Dad had smoked trout sandwiches for lunch and we even got a bite too!
On the way back to the van we bought cakes from a Spanish lady called Bella who was outside her house selling them for charity. Dad said they were very nice, but I wouldn’t know as we didn’t get any!
Back in the van we hopped, and I wondered where we are going now? Somewhere nice I hope!
Love for now.