Making Extra Bubbles

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Today we set off on our way to Croyde, where we parked up and set off back on the South West Coast Path. (We always seem to be on the Tarka trail, yet we’ve not seen any otters!)
We marched onto Baggy Point, past an amazing (well in Mum’s head as she loves this stuff!) Art Deco house built in 1920. Cue lots of oohing and aahing from her!
We walked past a lovely kitchen garden and teashop called Sandleigh, but Dad said it was too early for cake! It’s never too early for cake!
So on we went to Saunton Sands, and hurray another coffee stop! Our order was a bacon bap for Dad, a free range egg bap for Mum, and bacon rind for us! Kinda made up for the lack of cake…
When we left we met a nice lady who said she had an 8 month old GWP just like me so I got extra fuss!
We made a quick trip to Woolacombe for a run on the beach, and I went to sniff a jellyfish which made Mum screech at me! I just wanted to say hello!
We decided to go back to Sandleigh and (finally!) get delicious cake and sit in the lovely garden where the sun came out.
On the way back they were talking about bubble baths on the radio, Mum said she knew how to make extra ones… and Dad said ‘yeah smelly ones!) Twig and I barked with laughter!
But Mum and Dad are so embarrassing!
Love for now.