Ticked Off!

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What a day!
We set off this morning in a right pea souper! But thankfully when we got there it had cleared a little and we were at our destination of Lynmouth.
We set off on the South West Coast Path, climbing higher and higher – Mum said she hoped the walking was toning her bottom up as well as ours! ?
Dad got us lost a bit only for a little while, and after about 6 1/2 miles we had made our way to Watersmeet for cake and coffee. Today was another good day as we got cake chunks!
But my cake chunk enjoyment was rudely interrupted because all of a sudden I couldn’t help myself flinch!
Yuk! Something was crawling on me!
Mum had a good look and I heard her say ‘Goodness they’re Ticks! And lots of them! Crikey – where did they come from?’
We think it was from the Exmoor ponies Mum had stopped to fuss on the way but as she only got close enough to tickle a wrinkled up nose they must have jumped!
All the way back to Lynmouth Dad kept hitting himself with his map even knocking off his beloved Leeds United cap and I even heard him swear!
After all that drama Mum bought us a sausage roll to cheer us up and we had a ride on the funicular to Lynton, I wasn’t really sure I liked it though!
Back home we had a thorough check over, and Dad found 3 ticks in his leg! Yuk again!
Love for now.