My First Bus Ride!

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Day One proper of our holiday, we set off from our cottage in the rain down an old disused railway track back into Shanklin to the official start of our walk, we headed up the coast path along the cliff past the pretty village of Luccombe where mum spent too much time taking photos of poppies.
Soon we came across a beautiful little church called Boniface, we had 5 minutes out of the rain and had a little look inside, then we carried on along the path to Ventnor where we happened upon a cafe called Besty and Spinky’s which was funny as our surname is Spink! Mum asked Besty about the name and he said his partner’s name was Spink too!
Dad was hoping his bacon butty might be gifted as he was “FAMILY ” but it wasn’t to be. Besty did however give us information on a pub for lunch in the village we were going to end today’s walk in.
Off we went again back out in the pouring rain, soon we were approaching Blackgang Chine, a theme park, it was a bit scary, I kept hearing loud roaring, and when we past it I saw there were some dinosaurs at the entrance! We passed quickly and soon we were in Chale at the end of today’s walk.
When we got to the bus stop we saw that there wasn’t another bus for another 3 hours so Mum made the executive decision to carry on walking along the coast path and walk in land slightly to a lovely little village called Brighstone which had a bustop.
We had sandwiches and dandelion and burdock sat in the bus shelter and then I got my first ride on a bus and decided that – I DO NOT LIKE BUSES !
Anyway bye for now!