Time to Go Home

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Our last day on holiday today, Mum and Dad took us down to the beach for one last run and Twig tried to steal another dog’s ball! She’s so brazen!
We got out of Dad’s van for a stretch of the legs and a spot of lunch at Bourton-on-the-Water, which was a light relief from Mum’s ‘singing’ along to the radio – more like ‘screeching’ her way through Nana Mousskari’s ‘Only Love’.
When we got there my first thought was ‘Gosh what a lot of tourists taking photos,’ but it’s such a pretty village. Mum loves it as it brings back lots of happy memories of days out with her Nana and Grandad as a little girl. Dad says he’s been so many times he calls it Boredom-on-the-Water! Sooo rude!
Twig had a go at chasing ducks in the river Windrush and I practised my lying in the water skills to cool off.
We went to Mum’s favourite bakery next to the motor museum for lunch and we were treated to a slither of smoked salmon from Mum’s sandwich.
Back in Dad’s van now tucked up on our bed dreaming of the lovely things we’ve done on our holiday and looking forward to going home.
Love for now.